Is this you?...
I want to feel generally calmer and more centered
I want to access clear, wise and loving answers to my own questions and the questions of others.
I want to have a way of feeling more connected to Source / The Universe / The Divine
I want to be able to trust and act on the guidance I am receiving
In this comprehensive 4-week (or quicker) self paced course, you will learn both the science, and the practice of Divine communication and conversation.
Gradually and incrementally, you will be able to bypass the busy mind and access a peaceful, receptive state of being where the connection and loving communication you long for, is natural and effortless.
You'll be supported to meditate everyday, you'll get all the tools and knowledge you need to have a forever connection to something larger and wiser than yourself, and as you practice the easy, step by step process provided, you'll develop trust in the beautiful messages you are receiving.
This course is a package deal, with a personal, online, one to one session with Susan included, so you can take your learning to the deepest possible level.
Example Curriculum
Susan's Courses Really Work!
Check the feedback from others who have done this course...
What you get...
A comprehensive 4-week (or quicker) self paced, online course that teaches you a step by step process for opening to receive guidance that you can trust.
It comes with:
4 video lessons
4 powerful downloadable meditations
4 sets of downloadable notes to refresh your learning in-between lessons
4 little tests at the end of each week to see if you've been paying attention!
A one on one, 60 minute video coaching call with Susan to personalise and deepen your experience and skills, and to release any blocks or issues you may be having.
Ongoing email support from Susan throughout the whole course if needed, to answer your questions and make sure everything is crystal clear.
Total value: $US400.00
Todays special price: $US149.00
Previous students...
"I got the Aha moment I was searching for by coming on your course. I can now use meditation to click into that space where I know if I ask a question, I'll get an answer, I'll get something that makes sense to me."
- Helen, Nurse
"I highly recommend any therapist or person who wants to continually develop their skills, or for growth and expansion to just do it, you won’t regret it. Practice becoming the Master of your own life."
- Rachel Price, Reiki Practitioner and Massage Therapist
"Susan was very patient and not once did she make me feel silly or uncomfortable which also helped my confidence. If I can do it anyone can. For anyone starting on a spiritual journey this workshop is a must."
- Paula Dapper. Reiki Practitioner
"What I really liked about Susan's work was that she never presented herself as better than anyone - like more spiritual / more evolved or whatever. She was just sharing something she loves to do. She started with the belief that we could do this amazing thing, and just went with it. I would recommend this course to anyone who has a basic knowledge of spirituality and spiritual beings."
- Karen Austin. Social Worker
I first started connecting with my guidance when I was just 20...
I wasn't gifted, or born with any special abilities, I was simply determined to learn, and went for it.
I started teaching others my step by step method about 15 years ago, and many of them still use that method when receiving guidance today.
I can't imagine life without being able to tune in and receive support and clarity! It's one of the most valuable things I've ever learned to do... I use it in my personal life as well as my business, my creativity, and whenever I am faced with challenges...
I'm sincerely holding the space for you to learn this too!
Susan Harrington-Baker...x